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Wellness Kit

Original price was: ₹1,537.00.Current price is: ₹1,383.00.


Sr. Product Name Pack MRP
1 Shatplus 200 ML 996
2 Coffoxy 100 ML 121
3 Alleram 60 Tab 420
Total 1537

97 in stock

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SKU: WNK-001 Category:


This Kit is anticipated in strengthening  the Immunity i.e specially in Upper Respiratory Diseases  like allergic Cough and Cold, Asthma, Recurrent  Sinusitis, Post Covid LUNG Fibrosis and all types of Viral Infections

Wellness Kit Contains-

Shatplus Syrup – ShatPlus is a scientifically validated herbal health tonic enriched with plant extracts that help to strengthen the immune system.

ShatPlus contains herbs which are considered to possess properties like antioxidant, anti-viral, antimicrobial etc.

Dosage- 5 ml to 10 ml thrice a day after meal with an equal quantity of warm water

Alleram Tablet – Alleram is a combination of herbal ingredients known to be helpful in conditions such as runny nose, body itching, and hives. It helps to ease the cough, cold, and allergic rhinitis caused due to various allergens.

Dosage – Take 1 tablet twice a day after meals with warm water.

Coffoxy Syrup – It is a blend of herbal extracts and is useful in conditions such as dry cough, bronchitis, and whooping cough. Novel formulation for respiratory health. It reduces the congestion in the lungs and trachea.

Dosage – 5 ml to 10 ml thrice a day after meal with an equal quantity of warm water.

Precaution- To be taken under the guidance of Doctors Advice


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