How to Take Care of Your Skin

Skin is the largest sense organ in the human body, a reflection of well-being, a sign of beauty as well therefore; skin care is important which includes a range of routines. Skincare routines are done to enhance beauty, reduce wrinkles and signs of ageing and relieve any skin conditions like acne or hyperpigmentation.

The health of the skin is dependent on several factors such as:
  • Nutrition
  • Hydration
  • Exposure to the sun
  • Weather conditions such as cold, humid climate
  • Sleep cycles
  • Age

Nutrition: Diet plays an important role in maintaining healthy skin. Consumption of oily foods, and junk foods frequently may lead to acne in teenagers and people in the age group of early thirties.

The diet must include:

  • Freshly prepared warm nutritious food
  • Less oily and spicy foods
  • Include fresh fruits in the diet
  • Juices, consumption of water to maintain the hydration levels
  • Soups of various vegetables provide nutrition as well as hydration to the body
Exposure to sun and pollution:

We are prepared to protect ourselves during the rainy season by wearing raincoats or carrying an umbrella, similarly, we need to protect our skin while stepping out. The strong ray of the Sun, ultraviolet radiation and exposure to them causes tanning or sunburn on the exposed part of our skin.

It leads to a dark appearance of the skin compared to the not exposed part with a severe burning sensation. In order to avoid such damage to the skin- it is important to protect the skin by applying sunscreen lotions with a good SPF (sun protecting factor) value.

Weather conditions

The cold, hot and humid weather has an effect on our skin. Humid weather is responsible for excessive oil secretion and may lead to eruption of acne.

  • Washing the face 2-3 times a day may help in such a weather condition.
  • Application of anti-acne gel ‘Ackn-go ’

The hot weather conditions may lead to excessive sweating due to which the need for hydration arises.

  • Consumption of water and juices to keep hydrated helps in maintaining skin hydration.
  • Application of Aloe Vera gel

The cold climates are a challenge for skin health as during the winter season the chilly weather makes the skin dry and may develop cracks due to lack of moisture.

  • Moisturizing the skin is really important with moisturizing creams
  • Face oils, vitamin C serums etc.
Sleep cycles

A proper sound sleep is important for healthy skin. Sleep deprivation leads to aggravation of vata dosha which is responsible for ageing, wrinkles on the skin etc.

  • A sound sleep of 6-7 hours for adults is sufficient and also healthy.
  • One must avoid sleeping during the day to avoid sleeplessness during the night.

Age is an important factor, especially in skin health, skin changes as we age and the texture, quality, firmness of the skin, eruption of pimples, and appearance of wrinkles are all age-dependent.

  • The eruption of pimples occurring during teenage years should be managed with diet and hygiene.
  • The appearance of wrinkles is managed with the help of maintaining hydration and moisture of the skin.
  • The use of the anti-wrinkle gel ‘Yuvgain’ is helpful in reducing the fine lines on the face.

Skin is a sign of Good health and can be maintained with healthy intervention of diet, exercise, daily routine and a little help of skin care products.

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